Monster Media 1995 #11
Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
213 lines
3IN112.ZIP 808849 05/14/95 [00] 3 In 1 Catalog Database for Windows.
+Collection of music, video and games.
ACHA30.ZIP 229098 04/21/95 [00] ACHA v3.0 for Windows. *Lightning* speed
+retrieval of adhoc information. Stores any
+kind of textual information, organizes it,
+and instantly recalls it.
ADBOOK20.ZIP 109636 06/04/95 [00] Adr_Book v2.0 for Windows. Prints mailing
+labels, an address booklet, envelopes and
+several reports. Also serves as a phone
+dialer program.
AML43.ZIP 611600 05/12/95 [00] All Media Library v4.3 for Windows. The
+ultimate database for tracking and
+cataloging any and all forms of media, like
+CDs, Videos, Tapes, Laser Discs, Game
+Cartridges, Etc.
AM_BC20.ZIP 231324 06/05/95 [00] Book Catalog v2.0 for Windows. Catalog your
+library (books and/or magazines) in as much
+detail as you need. Unlimited number of
+entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
+any field, printing and more.
AM_DN20.ZIP 208463 06/05/95 [00] Daily Notes v2.0 for Windows. Are you
+writing a lot of different notes on a daily
+basis? Do you want to refer to them very
+quickly? Do you want to sort them by subject
+or by date?
AM_HC20.ZIP 232459 06/05/95 [00] Hardware Catalog v2.0 for Windows. Catalog
+your computer hardware in as much detail as
+you need, including the serial # and phone
+support number. Unlimited number of entries,
+automatically sorted.
AM_MU20.ZIP 234223 06/05/95 [00] Music Catalog v2.0 for Windows. Catalog your
+music library (records, CDs, casettes, etc.)
+in as much detail as you need. Unlimited
+number of entries, automatically sorted.
AM_SP20.ZIP 246921 06/05/95 [00] Sport Card Catalog v2.0 for Windows. Catalog
+your sport card collection in as much detail
+as you need, including the year of issue,
+brand, card number, team, type, description,
+date and price of purchase.
BCR301.ZIP 184289 06/04/95 [00] BusinessCards v3.01 for Windows <ASP>
+Extremely INTUITIVE and EASY TO USE free
+form database/organizer. Elegant folio-like
+user interface with tabs and flipping pages.
+Now comes with smart BusinessDialer!
BDEPRT.ZIP 171390 05/08/95 [00] BDE Structure Printer. Prints a report of a
+database's table structure. Requires the
+Borland Database Engine.
BIBLN471.ZIP 290604 06/14/95 [00] BIBL/NET v4.71. Netbios version.
+Simple-to-use online catalog for your
+personal library; menu-driven; extensive
+indexing for fast retrieval; produces brief/
+annotated/full bibliographies.
BIBWIN22.ZIP 884032 05/03/95 [00] BIBL for Windows 2.2. Full-featured package
+for managing your personal and/or office
+library. Features: multiple databases;
+redefine fields; full-text searching;
+powerful report generator; large (up to 24K)
+note field and more.
CLPFL100.ZIP 173864 04/02/95 [00] Clip Filer is a Clipboard Text Database
+Tool. Small, moveable ToolBar which stays on
+top of all other windows. Allows the user to
+select Clip Filer Database files, move
+selected text from the database to the
CMPLG201.ZIP 158834 06/02/95 [00] CompuLog v2.01a. Graphic file database
+program which allows you to catalog all your
+images from hard, floppy, and CD-ROM disks
+into a single searchable database.
DBASE121.ZIP 1664448 05/10/95 [00] Database Browser v1.2. for Windows. Full
+edit, query, sorting and printing
+capabilities. Supports MS Access 1.1 and
+2.0 (.MDB), dBASE III, dBASE IV, FoxPro 2.0
+and FoxPro 2.5 (.DBF), Paradox (.DB) and
+Btrieve (.DDF and .DAT).
DEPREC8.ZIP 50791 04/20/95 [00] Deprec8. Excel macro that generates
+depreciation schedules for tax and book
DPERF20.ZIP 223874 05/16/95 [00] DPerfect Merge v2.0 <ASP> Translates xBase
+data base files (dBase III/IV/5) to Word
+Perfect (4.2/5.x/6.x) secondary merge files.
+Record and field selection, record sorting,
+data base browser, memo-field translation,
EB80.ZIP 1107519 05/17/95 [00] EasyBase v8.0. Rapid Application Development
+System creates sophisticated, menu driven
+Applications in record time. Applications
+written in Easy Base can be sold by
+purchasing the Royalty free runtime module.
EPICON1.ZIP 16895 04/10/95 [00] Excel Progs Icon Pack #001. 42 Limited Ware
+icons (FREE! For private use), including
+Christmas icons, fireworks, musical notes,
+program logos, fractals and more.
FANDF100.ZIP 166789 05/16/95 [00] Friends and Family v1.0 for Windows. Keeps
+track of family and friends: 1) Names and
+addresses. 2) Unlimited # of phone #'s per
+name. 3) Recurring events for each person or
FE60.ZIP 660179 05/05/95 [00] File Express v6.0 <ASP> Easy-to-use,
+powerful database with extensive feature
+set: searching, report writer to generate
+reports in columnar or multi line format
+with headers, footers, totals, 3 level
+subtotals, label printing. 1/2.
FE60DOC.ZIP 216480 04/11/95 [00] File Express v6.0. 2/2.
HOLDIT11.ZIP 134764 04/26/95 [00] Hold It v.1.1. Stores records of just about
+anything. You give a name to each record
+field, you decide what to store. The search
+facility allows you to find any record, also
+sorts records.
IBID33.ZIP 89518 04/26/95 [00] IBID List Maker Database v3.3 for Windows.
+Create a closely linked set of definitions
+with full page text data. Many Printing,
+Searching, and listing options. Double click
+on words to display and define them.
IDEX214.ZIP 716491 04/01/95 [00] Infodex v2.14 <ASP> Versatile database
+manager used to keep track of names and
+addresses, equipment, computer software,
+books, and more! Includes a FREE-FORM
IP302.ZIP 448956 04/03/95 [00] Information Please v3.00 <ASP> Free Form
+textbase (database) for anyone who wants to
+store textual information, such as product
+descriptions, catalogs, memos, descriptions,
KNAP17B.ZIP 190179 04/01/95 [00] Keber's Nice Address Program v1.7B.
+Menu-driven business/ personal address/
+telephone program supporting up 725,000
+addresses; search/ sort records, mail
+labels; print "Index" or "Rolodex" cards,
MANAGE11.ZIP 573655 04/26/95 [00] Information Manager v1.1. Combines many
+features usually found in several separate
+programs. Helps you keep track of people and
+their addresses, phones, faxes, etc. Manages
+your book library, CD/Cassettes.
MSCPLS34.ZIP 452143 04/10/95 [00] Music v3.4 for Windows. Keeps track of your
+music collection. Supports CD's, DAT's,
+TAPEs, and LP's. A recording utility is
+included for those of you who enjoy creating
+compilations of your favorite artists.
NAN.ZIP 1227285 05/18/95 [00] NAN for Windows. Name and address book
+includes fields for home/work/cellular phone
+numbers, fax number, and e-mail address, as
+well as birthdays and miscellaneous notes.
NDX304.ZIP 49458 04/20/95 [00] NDX v3.04. BTree indexing package. Arbitrary
+data file format, fixed or variable length
+keys, ISAM access, and single node cache
+when more than one index file is open.
OEDEVK11.ZIP 378487 05/30/95 [00] OpenExchange v1.1 for Windows. Offers
+innovative features found in no other
+application allowing you to easily import,
+export, merge, convert, format, and transfer
+your database and spreadsheet data easily.
P5SHR.ZIP 575086 05/30/95 [00] Prime v5.0. Utilities for MS Excel 5.0.
PTSGUIDE.ZIP 75689 05/23/95 [00] Print table structures easily from Paradox
+5.0 for Windows. "Expert" for Paradox 5.0
+for Windows; it drastically streamlines the
+process of printing your table.
RABEXEL5.ZIP 546160 04/09/95 [00] RabbitHelp - World's best-selling Add-On
+Help System for Excel 5 for Windows. Auto
+"Plug-In" to Excel's main menu. Provides
+practical how-to, step-by-step guidance for
+the most commonly used tasks.
RBPRF61.ZIP 537799 04/11/95 [00] RabbitHelp - World's best-selling Add-On
+Help System for WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows.
+Auto "Plug-In" to WordPerfect menu. Provides
+practical how-to, step-by-step guidance for
+the most commonly used tasks.
RBWORD6.ZIP 525691 04/11/95 [00] RabbitHelp - World's best-selling Add-On
+Help System for Word 6.0 for Windows. Auto
+"Plug-In" to Word's main menu. Provides
+practical how-to, step-by-step guidance for
+the most commonly used tasks.
REBEL.ZIP 164091 05/09/95 [00] Rebel v3.54. Spreadsheet features indirect
+cell addressing, programmable range
+operations, variable labels, array
+assignments and more.
RV2V101.ZIP 732157 04/08/95 [00] RV2 v1.01. Hypergraphics database. Flexible
+database with unique guided searches. Plus
+integral file viewers for text, bitmaps &
+plots. Plus easy-to-use powerful tools for
+adding annotation & hotspots to any object.
SFILE22.ZIP 228705 04/05/95 [00] Simpli file v2.2. Create database files to
+simplify data storage and retrieval. Use for
+inventory, price lists, customer tracking,
+investments, mailing lists etc.
SQLWS30.ZIP 790953 04/23/95 [00] SQL Workshop v3.0 Demo. Steps you through a
+typical usage of SQL Workshop and contains
+approximately 55 slides. Powerful database
+development tool for querying, creating, and
+maintaining database objects.
SSADIN.ZIP 490269 04/10/95 [00] Many custom functions/utilities for Excel 5.
STI11.ZIP 7296 04/26/95 [00] Your Personal Desktop Exercise Motivator for
+Windows. Studley performs many exercises on
+your screen.
TELADD10.ZIP 1169110 05/18/95 [00] TelAdd v1.0 for Windows. Telephone and
+address book.
WINBRS16.ZIP 1451405 04/17/95 [00] Winbrowse v1.6 for Windows <ASP> Multiple
+database utility allows browsing, editing,
+and reporting using popular database formats
+including dbase, foxpro, paradox, access
+2.0, excel, lotus 1-2-3 and comma delimited.
WINDAT3.ZIP 491088 06/17/95 [00] Windows Customer/Client database. Can also
+be used as a simple address book or vendor
+info base.
WIN_DBU1.ZIP 1017841 04/30/95 [00] WIN:dBU - Create, open, index, modify
+structure, delete, and pack Clipper/dBase
+files. 1/2.
WIN_DBU2.ZIP 1256762 04/30/95 [00] WIN:dBU. 2/2.
XLCNVERT.ZIP 114582 04/18/95 [00] XL Conversion+ - 670 custom functions for
+Excel 5.0 designed to convert units of